Find and analyze data
Learn about all the various tools on the Derek Data Portal for data analysis, visualization, reporting, and export.
​How to see data in graphs
​Learn how to read data on graphs, and see device orientation and location on data points
How to see data on maps
​See trail of a device’s positions, or see all devices in a group visualized on a map
How to see Utilization data
​Navigate to the graphs showing the Utilization data from your device
​How to see RHTP data
​Navigate to the graphs showing the relative humidity, temperature, and air pressure data from your RHTP device
​An introduction to Alarm mails
​Examples of alarm emails notifying that a trigger level has been exceeded (such as motion and shock)
How to create PDF reports
​Automatically get a report in PDF with all relevant data from a group of devices, or subscribe to a report
​How to read PDF reports
​Examples of the data you can read in PDF reports
How to export data to Excel
​Export data from one or several devices to an Excel document