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Frequently asked questions from other Derek users. This page will be updated frequently with new questions.

In this article: 

  • Videos with recommended settings for devices

  • Frequently asked questions

Recommendations for setting up your device(s)

What are some recommended ways to set up your device for popular data needs, such as tracking in construction, logistics or theft protection?

Learn more by clicking: Set up your device(s)

How to track position

Enable GPS position, GSM triangulation as backup option, and log motion to get frequent positions

Theft protection on non-moving assets

Set motion on Transmission, GPS always enabled, and set up a motion alarm to get notified

Theft protection on moving assets

Set Motion to Transmission, and set up Daily schedule to switch off triggers during working hours

How to track shock data

If you need documentation on shock data, set up the shock trigger to log data

How to track humidity data

Define your minimum and maximum humidity level range, and get notified if trigger levels are exceeded

How to track temperature data

Define your minimum and maximum temperature level range, and get notified if trigger levels are exceeded

How to track utilization data

Choose the appropriate Utilization mode and the relevant settings

General functionality

What is the difference between Log and Transmission? There is as such no difference in the data tracked in a data log and in a transmission. However, data tracked in the transmission process will be available for online analysis immediately, while data tracked and stored in data logs will remain internally on the tracking device until the next transmission. Logs are extremely useful if you want frequent data information without compromising the battery life of your device. As default, devices can store up to 300 logs, all of which will be sent to servers in the first coming transmission.

What are triggers? A Trigger activates the individual sensors in your device. It tells the device to detect and record all instances of any input to this sensor under the circumstances you specify. To turn on, choose either Log or Transmission. When set to Log, your device will record and store the sensor data internally and send it at the next scheduled transmission. Log is sufficient in most use cases and recommended because it is most energy-effective. When set to Transmission, data will be sent immediately when recorded. Use Transmission if you want data from any specific event immediately. To be notified with an alarm, scroll to Alarms to activate for each Trigger.

Excel export troubleshooting One known issue with Excel exports is how Excel reads the decimal symbols based on the region you are located. Go to Manage Account and scroll down to the section Regional settings to change the decimals symbols to fit your region you are located.

I do not receive my alarms? E-mail is the default option but SMS alerts can be set up in Manage account. Alarms are based on other functionalities and thus require these to be enabled. It works particularly with Triggers but also other features such as Geo sites or GPS. In a simple case, the Shocked alarm requires that the Shock trigger is enabled and adjusted in order to send notifications. In another case, the Arrived at/departed from site alarms require the Motion trigger combined with the Geo site functionality in order to work effectively. We offer customized alarms that can be set up for your need – so don’t hesitate to contact us.

How can I get in contact with the tracking device? If you are near your device, you are able to place a magnet on the activation symbol until the device starts flashing red continuously. The device will send a transmission and configure the new settings. If the device is not accessible, it is not possible to get in contact with the device besides the transmission interval you already selected. If you have changed configurations for the device they will first be applied to the device the next time it contacts the server.


How do I set up SMS alarms? As default, alarms will be sent by e-mail and SMS. If you are not receiving SMS alarms already, you will need to fill out you mobile number under your user account. Go to user settings, click “Contact information” and fill out “Phone”.

How can I set up alarms for other users? As default, you cannot enable alarms on the behalf of other users. Alarms will always be sent to the user who activates the alarms. However, permission can be altered to allow activation of external alarms for other users.


How do I activate my tracking device? Place a magnet left of Activate with magnet on the label and hold it still until the LED flashes continuously. The device is now active. It may take up to 15 minutes for new devices to stop blinking and for data to appear online. Read more on hardware activation here.

How do I know if my device is working and reporting to the server? When you have activated the device with a magnet and it has stopped blinking, it is active and reporting to the server. Login to the Derek Data Portal to confirm. One place to confirm is the Transmission list that contains all transmissions made by your device. If no other settings have been made, the tracker will report to the server again after 24 hours. Go to Edit in your device view to edit the transmission schedule according to your needs.

My device is blinking/has stopped blinking In normal operation, the LED light on your device will only blink under the following circumstances: When applying a magnet. The LED will blink continuously when a magnet is placed on “Activate with magnet” on the tracker. This either activates the tracker or forces an unscheduled transmission. When it stops, the process is finished. Read more on hardware activation here. Note 1: If the LED only blinks once very briefly. You will need to apply the magnet once more, and hold it in the right place on the tracker until it keeps blinking continuously. Note 2: If the LED only blinks once, but the blink is much longer, the tracker is currently busy with internal processes (sending a transmission or storing a log). Wait 5 minutes and repeat. When connecting to external sensor tags. The LED will blink briefly once when it is scanning for a connected external sensor tag. This takes place at the time of a scheduled transmission or if the tracker is writing a data log. It will blink when it successfully has connected with the tag. Blinking will continue until all connected tags are connected (max for 1 minute). Read more on tags and how to install them here.

How can I mount my tracking device? The device can be mounted with magnets, adhesive foam tape or with two screws. All options are available as kits.

What is the best way to mount the device on my asset? The optimal condition for the device is to lie flat with the label pointing upwards and to have a clear, unobstructed view of the sky. This secures an optimal radio path for GPS and GSM Mount device so it is not likely to be hit by obstacles Mount in a discreet and anonymous place to avoid discovery and vandalism Locations above a height of 2,5 meters are usually more difficult to spot and attack than a location at the bottom.

Group functionality

How can I edit multiple devices at the same time? You can edit multiple devices at once to save time and to ensure synchronized transmission settings from devices assigned to similar tasks. From the My devices dashboard, click the large tile with the tracking icon to see all your trackers.

Account and user settings

How do I add a new user? You are able to add a new user. Go to Users and click on New user on the black bar in the top. You are also able to duplicate a user with the same permissions as your account. Click on your name in the top right corner. Click on the Duplicate button on the right side.

How do I delete a user? Go to Users, search for the user you want to delete. Press Delete at the right side in manage account.


Where is my GPS fix? You can experience long straight lines on your map if the tracker is unable to obtain a GPS or triangulation position. This could especially be the case during sea transport if the tracker is mounted on a container below deck. The metal hull of the ship will block the GPS signal and in turn the sea journey will make cell tower triangulation impossible. However, GPS fixes will recommence once the tracker is unloaded. Your data is safe Depending on your settings, all data such as shock, temperature, light and tilt will be logged during the entirety of the journey. This data is sent to the server when the connection is reestablished. A list of all incidents can be found under Transmissions. You will also be able to read it under Data.

When to disable GPS and when not to disable GPS Devices with GPS receivers give the option to disable the GPS. The only reason to disable the GPS, however, is to reduce power consumption. This is especially important when the device is situated in an area with poor GPS signal or no GPS signal at all for longer periods since it will need to stay switched on for a longer time to provide a location. It should, however, be noted that if the GPS is disabled for longer periods (> 2 weeks) the GPS will require long time (up to 15 minutes) and good signal conditions to download the almanac before it can give GPS positions. Therefore, the conclusion is to only disable the GPS if GPS positions are not required (triangulated positions are still given) and/or if you want to maximize battery lifetime (up to 25% can be gained). NOTE: When you disable GPS, you are still able to receive sensor data like temperature, shock, utilization, tilt, light and alarms. The tracking device will transmit the data via the mobile network. If the tracking device cannot obtain GPS, it will provide a triangulated position which still enables you to recover your device by using a radio scanner.

Where can I find data sheets and product documentation? Are you looking for product information such as product sheets, hardware specification, freight documentation or guides? Click on the support tab in the top menu on the Derek Data Portal to access a variety of relevant documents.

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